
Thursday, March 11, 2021

My Aunts Enormous Birthday

Today we had a test for writing, my writing is about My aunt's birthday, and my coinsins coming from Blenheim.

The funniest part was writing this.

the hardest part was reading over it 2x times.

                                               Now the story:

                 My Auntys enormous birthday

In the summer holidays, it was my aunt's birthday, and my cousin from Blenheim were coming over I also couldn’t wait for the food and for the birthday lady, my aunty was turning 30 on the 16th of January we have been planning this ever since it was January we had so many decorations and balloons that if the balloons were to squashed it would pop!, Obviously my aunty didn’t know or did she? but i'm pretty sure she didn’t know because my other aunty kidnapped her and ran away, nonono i was just kidding my aunty took her somewhere else.

 Everything was ready now all we had to do was wait for our cousins to arrive, it took them 2- 3 hours to get ready and come. They finally came when they came. I was happy to see, we started to play made up games like someone would have a nerf gun, and there would be a runner, the hunter (the person with the nerf gun) who has to shoot us and if he hits us we have to be a hostage.

I was out of breath, but it was time to sing happy birthday to my aunty, everyone started to surround her, there were about 30 - 32 people there!, I was so squashed. We started to sing happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…  and it kept on going, once that was finished ohh boy, we had food!! The food was so good, it started to get dark and so my cousins left, while my cousin stayed here, my cousin that came from Blenheim stayed at my other cousin's house which was in Sunnynook. 

It was about 2:00 o‘ clock in the morning, and it seemed that we had to pack everything away. My cousin was still here as we packed everything away. My cousins and I were playing video games. The time reached 3:00 o’clock and they had to go, my mum said I can go with them and so I did, as we left my baby cousins and stayed with them.

I felt Excited and Nervous, to see my cousins, and happy that we played together. I wish we could do this again and we did do it again, but that's a whole other story, thank you for reading this:).

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