I am a year 5 student at St. Pius X Catholic School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in the Te Wairua Pakiki 5 Learning. My teachers are Ms Nees-Kairua, Mr Gaffney and Mrs Tui.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
Thursday, December 3, 2020
People of Advent, Term 4 2020
Rapid Recap on Liturgical year, term 4 2020
WALT: Recognise that the advent reading from Isaiah helps people hope for the Messiah and remind them to prepare for his coming.
The penitential or preparation seasons of the Liturgical year are spread over 2 blocks, after Easter and after the Epiphany.hi
The liturgical year begins each year on the first sunday of Advent.
The most important feast in the liturgical year is? Easter the day of resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The colour you would see featured in church decorations during ordinary time is Green, the colour of hope.
5. In the homily hymns and scripture reading for advent the theme is repentance, fasting prayer and giving to the poor.
6. The sunday scripture readings are set out in a three year cycle- Years
A, B, C.
7. The liturgical cycle of the Chatolic Church is shared with? People in the Liturgical Church community
8. The season of Lent begins on? Ash Ash Wednesday and last 6 weeks ending on Holy Saturday, Saturday before Easter.
9. Ordinary Times lasts for 34 weeks in other Chirstian churches with a few exceptions.
10. The liturgical feasts and seasons are celebrated by People in the liturgical celebrations in church communities.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Stories about Mary
Luke: 26-38 The Birth of Jesus Foretold 18th of November 2020
Today me and my class (TWP 5) are explaining Luke: 26-38, and what are the main key events.
In the scripture reading luke: 26-38 The birth of jesus foretold, we find out about Mary’s first encounter with God
The major events in Mary’s Life:
The Angel Gabreil was sent from God to Mary, to say “ Mary you are going to have a son, and you are going to name him Jesus, Jesus will be the son of the highest (God)” Mary couldn’t believe her eyes. Gabreil then says “Mary do not be afraid as you found a favour of God” Mary doubts what Gabriel has said because she is a virgin “how could this be I am a virgin.” Gabreil spoke “ Mary the Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the highest will overshadow you, and God will not fail you as you know he is the creator”.
The scripture then tells us more about Mary’s son and his future. We are told….. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.
Lastly in the scripture reading Mary: “I am the Lord's servant” Mary answered may your word be fulfill”
Stories about Mary
Luke - 39-56, Mary visits Elizabeth, 19th November 2020
In the scripture Luke; 39-56, Mary visits Elizabeth, we find out about Mary going to visit Elizabeth in Judea to see if she has a baby, and whether Angel Gabriel was right.
At the time, Mary was getting ready to hurry to the town, in the hill country of Judea. She then enters Zachariah's House, Elizabeth hears Mary's greeting. The baby leaped in her womb, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit which she found out that Gabriel's words were true. We know this because in the scripture it says ‘the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,’
Lastly in the scripture, of Mary visiting Elizabeth: she sings a song called: My Rejoices the Lord
Stories about Mary
“Stories about Mary”
Luke 2: 1-20, The birth of Jesus, 23rd of November
In the scripture, Luke; 1-20, The Birth of Jesus, we find out about Jesus being born, and taking the throne of David
Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth, to Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and the line of David, he went there to register with Mary, while they were there Mary gave birth to her firstborn son (Jesus), Then an angel said to them " do not be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people, he will be the messiah, the lord.
We know this becuase: in luke 1 - 20 the angel appears and says I bring you good news, your son will become the messiah, and the Lord.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Converting fraction
Today me and my class were working on converting fractions into decimals, and percent, the thing i found hard was 5/6, adn what i found easy was 1/2,
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Story about Mary
“Stories about Mary”
Luke: 26-38 The Birth of Jesus Foretold 18th of November 2020
In the scripture reading luke: 26-38 The birth of jesus foretold, we find out about Mary’s first encounter with God
The major events in Mary’s Life:
The Angel Gabreil was sent from God to Mary, to say “ Mary you are going to have a son, and you are going to name him Jesus, Jesus will be the son of the highest (God)” Mary couldn’t believe her eyes. Gabreil then says “Mary do not be afraid as you found a favour of God” Mary doubts what Gabriel has said because she is a virgin “how could this be I am a virgin.” Gabreil spoke “ Mary the Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you, and God will not fail you as you know he is the creator”.
The scripture then tells us more about Mary’s son and his future. We are told….. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.
We know this because they are talking about it
Lastly in the scripture reading Mary: “I am the Lord's servant” Mary answered may your word be fulfill”
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Tell a Lie
Tell a Lie
Example: If you got a bad grade and your dad says “ if you got a bad grade i will beat you up” then you say “ I got the best grade in my class”, now that is a really bad lie.
If you get investigated by bad people, and they want to kill you brother, then you will lie where he is, because live matter people, sometimes it's good to lie.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
The Word "Conscience"
Today me and my class were learning about the word Conscience, conscience is a feeling you fell, like if you pass a rubbish that hasn't been put in a rubbish bin, you fell guilting, for not putting it in the rubbish. Then we made a word cloud.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Taniela - Recount Writing Term 4 22nd October 2020
Whānau and family time
Monday, October 19, 2020
Math starters (Table torture)
Today for our math starters we did "Table Torture" (Table Torture is a math game, that helps with your time tables, it get number and tells you to work this out, it also gives a timer to see what you finish at) my timer is 06.02 and I got everyone right, because some of them were wrong so i made some adjustment.
My goal for today: my goal for today is to finish in time that is good for my level.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
As I saw it - The Adventure of Carrot Maramlade
As I saw it - The Adventure of Carrot Marmalade
My real Story: Scurvy killed lots of sailors. No one knew how to fix it. Cook made the crew things with Vegetables in them (like Sauerkraut, Malt and Carrot marmalade ) to see if they would fix the Scurvy. The Idea worked.
Now my creative story:
Hi I am Carrot Marmalade. I was made by John Tompson, bare handed. I am very yummy, and very easy to make.
We stopped in a place called Mercury bay, it was 1767, I am writing this in my journal, so don’t complain. So I have just made plans to escape, but first I heard people that speak another language. I was confused because I didn’t know what they were saying, but at least they were distracted. So my plan is to look yummy for the birds, so they can grab me, and fly me away.
I saw a bird looking at me like i'm some sort of food. I was disgusted, but my plan would work. It came down, then BANG! I heard something very scary. The bird left with a frightened face. I saw smoke coming out of a cannon.
Then another BANG! except it was smaller, then i looked there was smoke coming out of the gun. I was confused again, because who did he shoot it at, then I knew he shot it at the forgien people. Then a bright light came down. I couldn’t see anything then VRRROOOMMM! I was in the water, I thought my plan worked. I was found by these odd looking people. They looked like scavengers, then they said “this is John Thompson's Carrot Marmalade.” I asked “is this was 1767?” they said “it's 2020!” Then they sprayed me with a bottle of sanitizer.
They took me to a cabinet (in a place you call a house) . It was open a little bit and I saw a text saying ``Coronavirus has a token over the world.”I told them to spray me more with the sanitizer more, but they didn't listen. I wondered why.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
Math Starters
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Talker the last chapter, chapter 6
- Today i am writing a horror story. today I have been
- (meaning of I is us) chosen to write a story.
- Here is my story.
Because I'm “too lazy to press anything”, that's what my
mum tells me. I will tell you a story. A very, very, very…
Scary story. So I was asking Safari……………………………………
Search up baby yoda”, she said “the details to yoda issssssss,
Safari safari’” ( I started to hit it) (thud) “what happened”
I said then a voice saying “who is this and why did you call
me”, i said “huh is this a prank they said no this Baby Yoda”
(“hey be loyal like me tell me who you are”) (Dun Dun Duh).
saying “Baby Yoda”, I kept on saying “I will call the cops tell
me who you are”, they said I know where you live”, and also
“I know you “Jackson Smith” (main character), “but your real
name is Xavier Naden my real name is”… to be continued
are just a myth”,” oohhh you saw me ai do I look good”, NO!
You look adorable, “how dare you I will slice you with this
lightsaber”, (Jackson mum wants you) (my older brother)
“tell her im on the phone i'm speaking to someone”
(ok i’ll tell her) wait!.. Is there food (no) “ohh dang ask her if
she can get me something”. (Nahh) “wait... you didn’t tell your
brother your real name huh so much for being loyal”. I tried
everything to get him off but it wouldn’t work he kept on say
things and kept on annoying me, until BOOM something my
phone turned black i tried to turn it on until a charging sign
saying charge. But I wanted to know more about are Star
wars real and are they here to attack us. Stay tuned to know
but curious about if it was all real. Until vrroom my phone was
charged, so I asked safari with a big man voice where is the”
baby yoda” five times I searched him up but no phone calls or
no messages. Until boom a light bulb was above my head
saying “check your account on Facebook”, so I checked and
then I saw a text from a man named unknown. It sounded a
little suspicious, but I checked…. To be continued
I saw him face to face, almost because he took a picture.
It was kind of blurry . He was with my mum just standing
behind her… with witha (struggling to talk) knife I couldn’t
believe it… (I couldn’t say anything)
going to die or is this some sort of prank, so i gently walked to
the door, and gently tried to gently open it, but it would make
this creacking noise (creak, creack) then it finally opened, i
looked everywhere to see if he was there, then i went
downstairs and i saw blood flowing under a little crack leading
to the living room.
he hack my phone “hes just a robot a dumb” ( i said
mumbulying) “huh my robot didn’t do that i never accessed him to.
really really liked entertaining myself with this story.
The Talker part 5
- Today i am writing a horror story. today I have been
- (meaning of I is us) chosen to write a story.
- Here is my story.
Because I'm “too lazy to press anything”, that's what my
mum tells me. I will tell you a story. A very, very, very…
Scary story. So I was asking Safari……………………………………
Search up baby yoda”, she said “the details to yoda issssssss,
Safari safari’” ( I started to hit it) (thud) “what happened”
I said then a voice saying “who is this and why did you call
me”, i said “huh is this a prank they said no this Baby Yoda”
(“hey be loyal like me tell me who you are”) (Dun Dun Duh).
saying “Baby Yoda”, I kept on saying “I will call the cops tell
me who you are”, they said I know where you live”, and also
“I know you “Jackson Smith” (main character), “but your real
name is Xavier Naden my real name is”… to be continued
are just a myth”,” oohhh you saw me ai do I look good”, NO!
You look adorable, “how dare you i'm a warrior not a cute
stuffed person I will slice you with this
lightsaber”, (Jackson mum wants you) (my older brother)
“tell her im on the phone im speaking to someone” (ok i’ll tell her)
wait!.. Is there food (no) “ohh dang ask her if she can get me
something”. (Nahh) “wait... you didn’t tell your brother your real
name huh so much for being loyal”. I tried everything to get
him off but it wouldn’t work he kept on say things and kept on
annoying me, until BOOM something my phone turned black
i tried to turn it on until a charging sign saying charge. But I
wanted to know more about are Star wars real and are they
here to attack us. Stay tuned to know more!
but curious about if it was all real. Until vrroom my phone was
charged, so I asked safari with a big man voice where is the”
baby yoda” five times I searched him up but no phone calls or
no messages. Until boom a light bulb was above my head
saying “check your account on Facebook”, so I checked and
then I saw a text from a man named unknown. It sounded a
little suspicious, but I checked…. To be continued
I saw him face to face, almost because he took a picture.
It was kind of blurry . He was with my mum just standing
behind her… with witha (struggling to talk) knife I couldn’t
believe it… (I couldn’t say anything)
mum going to die or is this some sort of prank, so i gently
walked to the door, and gently tried to gently open it, but it
would make this creacking noise (creak, creack) then it finally
opened, i looked everywhere to see if he was there, then i
went downstairs and i saw blood flowing under a little crack
leading to the living room.
my mom and my big brother none of them answered, then i
speed walked to the living room, i was really scared but the
door was slightly opened no one was in there, Until red juice
came out, sort of like blood.