
Friday, January 3, 2020

Plot Points

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Taniela,

    I think your movie ‘The Winner’ would be such a great movie, especially for people who like MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Who’s your favourite MMA fighter? I don’t follow MMA but I do know ‘Ronda Rousey’ & ‘Conor McGregor’.

    I really like how you have done what is asked of you for the activity. You did not miss one step- kai pai! I also like how you have attached a photo of Lupita Nyong’o, I remember her in the movie ‘The Black Panther’. Next time you should try to explain a little bit more about what the movie is so we can create a picture in our heads!

    Have you watched any movies about MMA or UFC? I remember there was one movie called ‘The Warrior’. Keep up the great work :)

